A simple, powerful contact sharing app

It’s somewhat hasslesome to share your contact details with another person you just met. You tell them one of your contact mechanisms, often spell it out for them, they find the contacts app on their phone, create a new contact, add your details, type your name etc - a lot of steps, that can be simplified a lot. Apple did this a bit through their new NameDrop feature (which fascinates everyone I’ve met), but there’s a lot that can be done to improve this. Sort of like a digital business card that anyone and everyone has.

Create an app that does the following:

  • Stores a lot of your basic contact details: name, email, physical addresses, photo, various contact mechanisms (and which ones you prefer using), your interests, and a brief bio of what you do (professionally, casually etc).
  • It generates different profiles for you (basic, professional, friends, family etc) which each take data from the info provided above, and provide the limited info (for example, don’t give your home address to someone you met at a networking event). The platform can autogenerate some profiles, which you can edit, or you can create more profiles.
  • Allow you to very easily share (by tapping phones or scan qr code or something) the contact profile you wanna share. Possibly generate some cool animations/effects upon successful share.
  • Potentially stores the location and date when the contact was shared (Helpful to memory about who that person was). Prompts you to write a brief one line memo to remember the person and your conversation.
  • Possibly also prompts you to add the person on various socials (linkedin, instagram etc).
  • The app should be compatible between ios, android etc so accessible to everyone.

Why this will be useful:

  • Easy sharing. Huge timesaver, especially during networking events.
  • Helps you remember the people you meet! You have more than just their name and email ID now.
  • You’re now able to reach people exactly where they want you to reach out to them. For example, if someone doesn’t use instagram as often, the app will tell you that they prefer direct messages instead. Or if someone prefers one email ID for things over another.

If built well, this thing will easily go viral (word of mouth is literally ingrained in the concept whenever someone shares or receives a contact like this). A good starting point for promoting something like this would be a large networking event, where you could easily get 1000+ users in a day.

Progress so far: Idea conceived only
Source of Idea:
Categories:Digital ProductApp
Anticipated Execution Time:Weeks
Project idea submitted by u/aclearbag.


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