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Highlight text to add event to google calendar
Digital ProductChrome ExtensionDays
I need a powerful chrome/mac addon that can take any selection of text (from say a website online), and parse it (possibly via a simple LLM) to add a gcal event to my calendar. I could give it access to my calendar. Then when I select any text on any website, right click and choose a conve......
App for sharing and discovering social activity ideas
Digital ProductEntertainmentMonths
Everytime youre with a group of people and are just getting bored, out of ideas about what you can do together, you can go to this app and find something fun to do. Such a situation occurs often if you hang out with the same set of friends regularly / or are on a trip.
There c......
Review of science textbooks from 50 years ago
A lot of teachers talk about science textbooks as if they are the holy grail and truth so you think the textbook is wrong? followed by chuckles. It would be amazing if someone did a proper review of a few textbooks from 50 years ago, and tried to put a number to just ho......
Myth busting newsletter
Content CreationNewsletterWeeks
Email newsletter where you bust one trending misconception everyday (could be about anything - arts, culture, science, history, politics, whatever). If you find a lot of such myths, maybe you can do a few trending myths every day. Keep it short simple. Maybe start it on substack. If the content i......
An interview series examining how to fix our broken education system
Content CreationEducationMonths
A lot of people are very critical of the current education system (particularly k-12 education in the US and in India). You can easily find 100+ articles online that point out what is wrong with the system: really important things (eg: financial literacy, sex education, rights) are ignored, teach......
Blog: One Math Problem, Many Solutions
Content CreationMathWeeks
Many math problems can be solved in several different ways (for example, there are many ways to compute the area of a circle or prove the pythagorean theorem). Create a book/blog where you discuss such problems, explore why multiple solutions exist to that problem (is it just by coincidence that ......
Art that inspires conversations on key social issues
Content CreationArtRaising AwarenessWeeks
Create an NGO that creates small artworks to inspire discussions on key social matters, including Climate Change.
For instance, one concept is that of creating elevation markers to be put in peoples yards (in coastal areas). This foregrounds how real the effect of sea ......
Ethical Scamming
CybersecurityDigital LiteracyRaising AwarenessWeeks
You use the same tactics as scammers to bait people in, but instead of scamming them after baiting them, you tell them about how they almost got scammed (and how to stay protected in the future).
From a strategy perspective, this seems easy to execute since you just need to copy what scamm......
Free soda in exchange for filling out awareness survey
Set up a stall at a popular location. Put up a big banner saying that youre giving out free soda (Coca Cola, Pepsi, Limca etc) in exchange for people filling out a survey. People (mostly those who drink sodas often) would get attracted to the stall.
The survey would ask them about t......
Website that helps you find someone to eat with
BusinessDigital ProductWeeks
At a hackathon at our university, we made a basic prototype for a website called ConnecTable, which aims to address the rise in loneliness in big western cities by reducing the stigma associated with meeting strangers over meals. The concept is simple: if you're at a dining hall/cafe/food court/o......
A Repository of Failed Startups
Digital ProductStartupsYears
Essentially a vast catalog of information about startups that did not work out. Both high profile ones, and low profile ones. The entries in this catalog would be well tagged (with things like industry, size, stage at which it failed, years active&......
Centralised feedback collection system for companies worldwide
Digital ProductAdvocacyBusinessMonths
Create a one-stop place where anyone can provide feedback on any company. The enterprise behind this company would synthesise all the feedback it gets and share comprehensive reports with the companies. Companies would readily pay you for these synthesised reports if your reports offer good insig......
Studying Exploitation Dynamics using Differential Game Theory
ResearchMathDifferential Game TheoryPolitical ScienceMonths
Powerful groups often exploit weaker groups for their own economic benefit (eg: slavery, bullying, colonialism etc). However, if this exploitation becomes excessive, the powerful group becomes subject to retaliation by the weaker group and/or third parties and thus faces substantial economic dama......
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A simple, powerful contact sharing app
Digital ProductAppWeeks
Its somewhat hasslesome to share your contact details with another person you just met. You tell them one of your contact mechanisms, often spell it out for them, they find the contacts app on their phone, create a new contact, add your details, type your name etc - a lot of steps, that ca......
Correlations between facial features and profession
ResearchComputer VisionComputer ScienceMachine LearningWeeks
Essentially a Machine Learning project where youd take data from a huge public database of people with faces and professions. Then study whether theres any correlation between having certain facial features and the profession youre in. Maybe use results to create a tool that ......
Games about the challenges in different careers
Digital ProductGamingWeeks
There are some games online which offer great insight into particular career trajectories and the complications involved there. A few examples:
Trust and Safety Tycoon (<a class="notion-link-token notion-focusable-token notion-enable-hover" tabindex="0" href="https://trustandsafety.f......
A digital version of Cashflow 2.0
Digital ProductGamingWeeks
Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad Poor Dad) has a game called Cashflow which aims to interactively teach key aspects about how money, debt, income etc work. The game has two versions. The first version is available online (<a class="notion-link-token notion-focusable-token notion-enable-hover" ......
Synthesis of debate between experts using LLMs to generate predictions
ResearchContent CreationWeeks
A group of people would be gathered, mostly experts in a field we're trying to predict. For example when predicting soccer match between Barcelona and Manchester City, various football experts, fans, bettors, even statisticians could be there.
They would chat about the upcoming match......
A talent show with more real competition
Problem: talent shows emphasize, the show, not the competition. This leads to fake and boring shows.
Solution: a sport-inspired show
Some principles:
Let competitors actually compete against each other. It c......
Immersive video game that helps acquire new languages
Digital ProductLanguage AcquisitionGamingMonths
A game where youre dropped into a foreign city (which primarily uses the language youre trying to learn). You need to use clues and hints from various contexts to decipher what various things mean, what the people are talking about etc and ultimately try to achieve some kind of an e......
Business that employs grandmas to create custom embroidery for clients abroad
BusinessClothingFemale EmpowermentWeeks
Many indian grandmothers are finding themselves with limited sets of things they can do to stay busy. The opportunities available to them are limited because of their lack of prior work exposure and education; they dont have a lot of friends; their children and grandchildren are often too ......
A 10x improvement on photo storage apps
Digital ProductBusinessAppYears
To be very honest, the photos apps on both iphone and android really suck. They have hardly changed in years and were not meant for a world in which people have thousands of click thousands of photos. We need a 10x improvement the kind that Notion did to notetaking, that the browser compa......
Conceptualizing & implementing a climate labelling system
ResearchAdvocacyRaising AwarenessClimate ChangeSustainabilityMonths
One of the big hurdles preventing climate action is a lack of awareness of how much impact each individual action really has on the overall climate picture. A particularly promising solution here is that of putting climate labels on each packaged item (food, clothing, furniture etc)......
Incentivising web accessibility via a lottery-style contest
Raising AwarenessWeb DevelopmentAccessibilityNon-profitMonths
96.3% of the internet's top one million websites have accessibility issues. As a result, people with a wide variety of disabilities (from......
A modern remake of the multiplayer global strategy game E-sim
Digital ProductGamingEntertainmentMonths
I recently came across a decade-old multi-player computer game called e-sim and I thought it had a really cool concept.
It's essentially a very intricate simulation of the economic and political dynamics of the world. Every new player is a citizen of ......
Real-world AI companion for people with memory impairment issues
Physical ProductHardwareAccessibilityComputer VisionElderly CareHealthYears
Millions of people (especially old people suffering from Alzheimer's disease or dementia) have memory impairment issues, which hinder their ability to go about their day to day life. There's an opportunity to greatly improve their lives through modern tech. It is well positioned for first to mark......
A good phone-attaching case for ThinOptics reading glasses
Physical ProductEyewearDays
ThinOptics are these small reading glasses that conveniently slide into a slim case that attaches on the back of your phone. They're such a useful invention and pretty popular in the US and in India (sold by Lenskart).
However, their case jus......
Making market information easily accessible to policymakers and ordinary people
Digital ProductResearchPolicyMathData ScienceMonths
Large liquid markets are currently our best method of predicting what the price of something will be in the future. If you disagree, you're welcome to try your hand at making better predictions, and will make a lot more on that than this project could ever bring in, or more likely, lose money.&nb......
App that helps your reconnect with your classmates
Digital ProductAppSocial NetworkMonths
Imagine an app that's a blend of Discord's community features with a dedicated purpose: helping you find and connect with your classmates from any school and any graduation year. I'd call it "Classmates."
Here's how it might work:
Sign up and enter your school details along wi......
Building cooperative networks of digital transactions
Digital ProductResearchAppNetwork DynamicsComputer ScienceMathStartupsFinanceMonths
I've come up with a way of building cooperative networks of digital money transactions that I think has a lot of potential. It might be difficult to understand and believe the concept if you don't have a strong background in network dynamics; but I'll try to explain it simply.
Music Visualizer that animates actual 3d models instead of just using reactive graphics
Digital ProductContent CreationMusicArtWeeks
If you search for any visualizer online, the most common and accessible results are waveforms, spectrums, particles and maybe even shapes. Mostly 2d stuff.
There is a serious dearth of 3d models and animations that react to music. Besides 3d animations, I have only come across 1 or 2 websi......
Website that enables victims to coordinate against perpetrators
CoordinationNetwork DynamicsFemale EmpowermentWeb DevelopmentDigital ProductMonths
The idea is a website designed to empower victims of various forms of mistreatment by enabling them to anonymously coordinate and take collective action against perpetrators. This platform addresses the common issue where victims remain silent due to the fear of repercussions, such as being discr......
Online platform that warns you about common scams in your travel destination
Digital ProductWeb DevelopmentTravelRaising AwarenessWeeks
People often get scammed when they're travelling abroad. I think this is largely an awareness problem. When one is travelling to a new destination, one expects that due to cultural differences, some unexpected/different things will happen. So, one is more suceptible to scams.However......
Billboards converted to shelters for stray dogs
Physical ProductAnimal Well-beingNon-profitDays
Back in 2022, an innovative initiative emerged in Thailand wherein a group of people repurposed old billboards to create convertible shelters for stray dogs. These shelters, made from durable and weather-resistant materials, provided the dogs with much-needed protection from the harsh elements, p......
A talent showcase app
EntertainmentDigital ProductMonths
A platform designed for individuals to display their unique skills and talents across various domains. Whether it's singing, dancing, coding, performing stunts, creating art, giving speeches, or any other talent, this app provides a space for everyone to shine and share their abilities with a wid......
Using technical proposals to analyse how our imagination of future technology has evolved
There's a really cool international competition called the Space Settlement Design Competition, wherein teams of students collaborate to create really detailed designs for future human settlements in space. Think 70-page technical......
Crafting a Modern Introduction to Effective Altruism
Digital ProductEducationNonprofit/PhilanthropyEffective AltruismMonths
The field of Effective Altruism (EA) has evolved significantly since the publication of its foundational book 'Doing Good Better' in 2015. While this book remains an excellent introduction to EA, there's a growing need for a new, comprehensive introductory guide that reflects the movement's curre......
Launching an Altruism-Focused Publishing House
Digital ProductEducationPublishingYears
What if there was a publishing house dedicated to effective altruism (EA) and related ideas? This concept could address the gap between the growing body of important EA-related work and its accessibility to a wider audience. Such an initiative could significantly amplify the reach and impact of c......
Intelligent Extensions for Tracking The Resolution of Code Bugs
Digital ProductDeveloper ToolsArtificial IntelligenceMonths
Software developers often encounter bugs and errors that can be time-consuming to resolve. Yet shortly after a bug has been resolved, the bug and the solution are often both forgotten. Additionally, it is often also the case that different developers are encountering similar bugs – so, how one pe......
Automated Affiliate Link Integration for Content Creators
Digital ProductMonetizationAffiliate MarketingMonths
In the ever-expanding digital content landscape, creators are constantly seeking ways to monetize their work effectively. One often overlooked opportunity is the integration of affiliate links into content. A platform that automates this process could potentially revolutionize how creators earn f......
Service Agency That Comes Home To Digitize Old Photos
Digital ProductServicePhotographyMonths
In an era where digital dominates, there's a growing need to preserve our cherished physical memories. A mobile photo scanning service could address this need by bringing professional-grade scanning equipment directly to people's homes, ensuring that precious family photos are digitized safely an......
Reclaiming Book Rights for Free Distribution
EducationEffective AltruismSocial GoodPublishingIntellectual PropertyMonths
In the world of publishing, access to transformative ideas is often limited by copyright restrictions and pricing. However, a groundbreaking approach pioneered by The Life You Can Save organization offers a potential solution to this problem. By bu......
Platform for Discovering What Tools and Products Everyone Is Using
Digital ProductE-commerceSocial MediaMonths
In today's digital age, people are increasingly curious about the tools, products, and practices that successful individuals use. Whether it's the tech stack of a renowned developer, the fashion choices of a style icon, or the supplement regimen of a fitness guru, there's a growing interest in un......
Leveraging AI to automate telemetry analysis in motorsports
Artificial IntelligenceEventsServiceMonths
In every motorsport championship, teams use telemetry to understand and monitor the car's behavior, as well as to obtain insights into possible vehicle and steering adjustments.Nowadays, almost every process can be automated with artificial intelligence, and in an environment with thousan......
Savory protein bars
Physical ProductHealthFood & BeverageMonths
Many protein bars are marketed as meals-on-the-go, but the vast majority of them have the flavor profile of dessert. There are some savory, high-protein snacks out there (especially in East South Asian markets), but they generally consist of loose components that can be messy to eat.&......
An app that allows users to scan item barcodes and then determines their safety (reference FDA data etc.)
Digital ProductHealthComputer VisionNon-profitWeeks
Problem statement
Some regulatory authorities are prone to lobbying, corruption, and general lack of speed when it comes to passing laws that prohibit the use of harmful substances in food. In cosmetics alone, the EU has banned or restricted more than 1,300 chemicals while......
Role-playing game about adventurers' rise
Digital ProductGamingMonths
There are a lot of good anime about adventurers and their rise. It's thus very surprising to me that there aren't many role-playing games (RPGs) of that kind.
Some things the game could include:
RPG character progression with classes(<a href="https......
Remake of "Happy Wars" — an old tactical role-playing video game
GamingGame DevelopmentDigital ProductEntertainmentYears
I used to really enjoy playing this game called "Happy Wars" by Toylogic when it was on Xbox 360 or Xbox One. But for the past few years or more, the game has been pretty much dead. They 'remade' it by making a game with the same principle but it felt like they had taken the very soul of Happy Wa......
Matchmaking using databases and AI
DatingArtificial IntelligenceBusinessServiceWeb AppMonths
Many people struggle with finding an ideal partner for themselves. Dating apps are time-intensive, over-reliant on aesthetics, and full of other well-known problems. Meanwhile, professional matchmaking services are available, but they're expensive and not as widespread.
I have a way of doi......
Celebrity Q&As Driven by Fans and Enhanced by AI
Social MediaArtificial IntelligenceAppMonths
This idea combines the current popularity of interviews with famous people and the need for a genuine connection between influencers and fans from both sides.
In short, it works like this: fans submit questions for their favorite celebrities/influencers/interesting p......
A Collaborative Lending Platform
Digital ProductWeb DevelopmentAppMonths
A digital platform designed to streamline the process of sharing personal items within trusted groups. Whether you're borrowing tools, clothes, appliances, books, or even seasonal decorations, this app/website makes it easy to lend, borrow, and manage items with people ......